This 53-card deck and guidebook shows readers how to uncover their energy makeup and tune into the higher energetic realms to improve their life immeasurably.
Sandra Anne Taylor, the New York Times bestselling author of Quantum Success and Secrets of Success speaks internationally on the life-changing powers of personal energy and consciousness creation. She has been a counsellor in private psychological practice, teaching the principles of attraction and manifestation, for more than 25 years. Her books are available in 21 languages throughout the world. Sandra's popular radio show, Living Your Quantum Success, can be heard Mondays on and
Sandra Anne Taylor, the New York Times bestselling author of Quantum Success and Secrets of Success speaks internationally on the life-changing powers of personal energy and consciousness creation. She has been a counsellor in private psychological practice, teaching the principles of attraction and manifestation, for more than 25 years. Her books are available in 21 languages throughout the world. Sandra's popular radio show, Living Your Quantum Success, can be heard Mondays on and