The story follows Layla and Oliver, two third-graders who form a strong friendship through their shared interests in creativity and technology. Initially facing bullying, particularly Oliver who is Autistic, they find support in each other and become determined to embrace their passions. As they work together on various projects, including a pet-feeding robot for a school science fair, they discover the power of collaboration and innovation. Their hard work pays off when they win the Best Overall Project award at the fair, boosting Oliver's confidence and solidifying their bond. With the start of the new school year, they help establish a science club, inspiring classmates to join them in exploring robotics and environmental initiatives. Their successful presentation of a recycling robot at a school assembly further cements their roles as leaders and innovators. Throughout their journey, Layla and Oliver learn the importance of friendship, perseverance, and making a positive impact on their community. Their experiences transform them from outsiders into confident leaders, ready to tackle new challenges together, fostering a spirit of creativity and support that will last a lifetime
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