YAMINA BOUCHAMMA, Ph.D., is Full Professor in the Department of Foundations and Practices in Education at Université Laval. Her academic activities, research interests, and publications notably regard the competencies of school administrators and pedagogical supervision. MARC GIGUÈRE, M.Ed., is Lecturer in the Department of Foundations and Practices in Education at Université Laval. Mr. Giguère has extensive experience as Principal in both primary and secondary education. His expertise also includes the professional development of school leaders. DANIEL APRIL, Doctoral student in School Administration and Policies, is Research assistant with the Department of Foundations and Practices in Education at Université Laval. He holds a Masters in Administration and Evaluation in Education (Planning and Management) as well as a B.Ed. in French second-language education. Mr. April also serves as research and communications consultant at UNESCO for the Global Education Monitoring Report.
Preface Introduction Section 1: Supervision context of the pedagogical
supervisor Chapter 1 - Competence Chapter 2 - Pedagogical supervision:
Developing teacher competence Chapter 3 - The skills of the pedagogical
supervisor Section 2: Competency standards Framework Chapter 4 - The
knowledge for effective supervision Chapter 5: The know how to do every
supervisor should possess Chapter 6 - The how to be every supervisor should
possess Chapter 7 - The how to become every supervisor should possess
Conclusion References