David GrambowTeachers Who Thrive
Navigating the Self-Efficacy Career Journey
David Grambow has served as a classroom teacher, technology coach, special educator, principal, and director of instruction. He and his wife have three wonderful children, a backyard full of grandchildren, and a faithful dog, Moose.
Chapter 1: The Transformative Power of Teacher Self-Efficacy
Chapter 2: The Five Thrive Factors
Chapter 3: The Habits of Thriving Teachers
Chapter 4: Focus of Thriving Teachers
Chapter 5: The Self-Care Paradox
Section II: The Career Stages of a Thriving Teacher
Chapter 6: The Thriving Teacher Career Stages
Chapter 7: Self-Reflection Career Stages
Chapter 8: Feedback Career Stages
Chapter 9: Collaboration Career Stages
Chapter 10: Student Relationship Career Stages
Chapter 11: Inclusive Practice Career Stages
Appendix: Thrive Tools
About the Author