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Contents: Vorüberlegungen zur Behandlung des Themas Native Americans im Unterricht der Sekundarstufe II - Klausuren - Konzeption des Unterrichtsmodells - Weiterführende Materialien Component 1: Historical Background: The westward movement - Benjamin Franklin: Remarks concerning the savages of North America - The tragedy of Wounded Knee in 1890 - Redbone: We were all wounded at Wounded Knee - Political events on the Pine Ridge Reservation in the 1970's Component 2: Life on a Native American Reservation Today: Sioux Indian rites and traditions - Reservation profile: Pine Ridge Reservation -…mehr

Vorüberlegungen zur Behandlung des Themas Native Americans im Unterricht der Sekundarstufe II - Klausuren - Konzeption des Unterrichtsmodells - Weiterführende Materialien
Component 1: Historical Background: The westward movement - Benjamin Franklin: Remarks concerning the savages of North America - The tragedy of Wounded Knee in 1890 - Redbone: We were all wounded at Wounded Knee - Political events on the Pine Ridge Reservation in the 1970's
Component 2: Life on a Native American Reservation Today: Sioux Indian rites and traditions - Reservation profile: Pine Ridge Reservation - Clinton visits heart of Indian poverty - Death stakes Sitting Bull's reservation
Component 3: Understanding the Film: Let's watch the film - Biographical information - Szenenübersicht
Component 4: Analyzing the Film: Introduction: pre-credit and credit sequences - Ray's first encounter with Native American Spirits - Ray meets Sioux Indians - Ray meets Thunderheart - Post-viewing activities
Component 5: Native American Voices Today: Novel - Poem - Speech - Song - Cartoons