Day 1: Agreement of verb and subject
Day 2: Reporting speech
Day 3: The present tense
Day 4: Statistics and numbers
Day 5: Adjective agreements
Day 6: Comparatives and superlatives
Day 7: Alternatives to adverbs
Day 8: Use of articles
Day 9: Quantifiers
Day 10: Use of tenses with si
Day 11: False friends and Anglicized spelling
Day 12: Past tenses
Day 13: Expressions of time
Day 14: Agreement of past participles
Day 15: Pronominal verbs
Day 16: The passive
Day 17: Alternatives to the passive
Day 18: Personal pronouns
Day 19: The negative
Day 20: Inversion of subject and verb
Day 21: Relative pronouns
Day 22: The infinitive and present participle
Day 23: Logical connectors
Day 24: Modal verbs
Day 25: Sentence openings
Day 26: Prepositions
Day 27: Conjunctions
Day 28: Highlighting and emphasis
Day 29: Verb constructions
Day 30: Accents, elision and capitalization
Progress Chart
Answers to Exercises