The hybrid CD-ROM The Mouton Interactive Introduction to Phonetics and Phonology presents all topics of an introduction to phonetics and phonology in a multimedia environment and includes evaluation and assessment of the learning process. The system is primarily designed for students attending introductory courses in phonetics and phonology but also allows students from other areas to learn more about the field, as well as introducing them to the advantages of multimedia presentation. Teachers will find that the CD-ROM offers a valuable alternative to conventional methods when it comes to presenting linguistic phenomena in a vivid and exciting way. The phonetics section of the CD-ROM exhibits, among others, all aspects of articulatory, auditory and acoustic phonetics. It includes hundreds of animations and sound examples (cardinal vowels, IPA consonants, spoken comments etc.). The phonology module covers topics such as the phoneme, distinctive features, non-linear phonology and the sound systems of British and American English. Additional modules, such as context-sensitive bibliographical references and screen-oriented help facilities, a glossary of important linguistic terms and a small text-editor support the student in exploring the contents of the CD-ROM. The most powerful module of the system is the "Interactive Tutor". It trains the skill of the student and monitors his individual progress. All results are stored in an individual student-protocol allowing training independent of time restrictions. For all topics there is a variety of exercises ranging from simple multiple-choice tasks to complex naming or construction tasks or even exercises involving phonemic transcription using a virtual keyboard. A large number of exercises have several difficulty levels which are activated depending on the student's progress.
System Requirements: Pentium PC with Windows 9x, NT or Power MAC with OS 7+.
System Requirements: Pentium PC with Windows 9x, NT or Power MAC with OS 7+.