Autor im Porträt
Henry Miller
zur AutorenweltToptitel von Henry Miller
The Rosy Crucifixion (eBook, ePUB)
eBook, ePUB
Henry Miller's Rosy Crucifixion, his second major trilogy, took more than 10 years for the author to complete. Beginning in 1949 with Sexus, a work so controversial all of Paris was abuzz with L'Affaire Miller, (and publisher Maurice Girodias saw himself threatened with jail), following in 1952 with Plexus, and finally concluding with 1959's Nexus, the three works are a dazzling array of scenes, sexual encounters and ideas, covering Miller's final days in NY, his relationship with June Miller and her lover, his take on the arts, his favorite writers, his thoughts, his insights, his days and his nights, finally ending with a glorious farewell to the life he'd known and an anticipation of the life he would lead.…mehr
6,99 €
Mein Fahrrad und andere Freunde
Broschiertes Buch
Acht Porträts, die aus dem Rahmen fallen. Sieben der liebevoll-spitzfindigen Betrachtungen Henry Millers gelten Weggefährten aus Fleisch und Blut - die achte und zugleich letzte richtete er an sein Fahrrad, das er einem deutschen Sechstagerennfahrer im Madison Square Garden abkaufte.…mehr
5,50 €