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Toptitel von John Maddox Roberts

Spqr V

Broschiertes Buch
Every culture has its wild entertainment, but the Roman Saturnalia is looked upon as the granddaddy of them all.
Roberts's vivid fictional account of the annual event takes place in first century Rome is a historically correct picture of excess, with the city's ordinary life shut down, all rules and most laws inoperative, and even slaves permitted to celebrate without restraint. At the same time, the noted family of Decius Caecilius Metellus the Younger have reluctantly summoned the young playboy, banished to the island of Rhodes for his wild ways, to seek his help in solving a crime that touches them directly and dangerously. They need him to use his investigative talents to look into the poison death of a politically powerful relative and the suspicion that it is the man's wife who administered the dose. Decius, convinced she is innocent (of this murder, at any rate) looks further for the killer—-a quest that leads him to a secret, banned cult of witchcraft being practiced by highborn Romans of both sexes. With the witches at his heels, Decius plunges into the maelstrom of Rome at the height of Saturnalia, and barely escapes with his life.…mehr


19,99 €

A Point of Law

Broschiertes Buch
Decius Caecilius Metellus is moving up in the world. He's won some money and glory fighting pirates in the Mediterranean and expects a speedy election to the office of praetor. That all changes when a man he's never seen before publicly accuses him of corruption. Decius and his powerful family of Rome's leading politicians scramble to prepare a defense. However, the day of the trial they are greeted with a strange surprise on the steps of the courthouse: the corpse of the man who made the accusation. Now Decius is up against a much more serious charge of murder. It may cost him his chance to run for office, but not if he can help it. Roberts once again masterfully sets Decius and his adventures against the background of this famed and crumbling Republic, enriching his story with historical detail and the immortal personalities of the day.…mehr


18,99 €

John Maddox Roberts

John Maddox Roberts, 1947 in Ohio geboren, machte sich zunachst als Autor zahlreicher Science-Fiction-Romane einen Namen. Sein erster historischer Kriminalroman >SPQR< wurde 1991 fur den Edgar Allan Poe Award nominiert und war der Beginn einer Serie ausgesprochen erfolgreicher Romane mit dem Helden Decius Caecilius Metellus.