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Toptitel von Karen Gillece

Seven Nights in Zaragoza

Broschiertes Buch
Henry and Elena had it all, until he lost everything on a foolish investment and she let the ghosts of her past seep into their marriage. Meeting Adam, her former lover, at a class reunion, Elena suddenly finds herself caught up in a storm of memories, unearthing questions about a past that has not been faced and a relationship that was wrenched apart. But while Elena reconciles herself to what really happened in Spain that summer, Henry is at home struggling with a crisis of his own...…mehr


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Broschiertes Buch


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Karen Gillece

Karen Gillece wurde 1974 in Dublin geboren. Sie studierte Jura am University College Dublin und arbeitete mehrere Jahre im Bereich Telekommunikation, bevor sie mit dem Schreiben begann. Nachte> ist ihr erster Roman.