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Toptitel von Kathryn Smith

Dickens and the Unreal City (eBook, PDF)

eBook, PDF
Dickens's London often acts as a complex symbol, composed of numerous sub-symbols, such as crowd, river, railway networks and police systems. This book is particularly interested in how Dickens's treatment of the city allows him to re-examine traditional Christian discourses on the issues of revelation, renunciation and regeneration.…mehr


39,95 €

Introduction to Virology

Broschiertes Buch
The study of viruses, or virology as it is now called, had its origin in 1892 when a Russian botanist, Iwanawsky, showed that sap from a tobacco plant with an infectious disease was still highly infectious after passage through a filter capable of retaining bacterial cells. From such humble beginnings the study of these 'filter-passing agents', or viruses, has developed into a separate science which rivals, if it does not excel, in importance the whole of bacteriology. The importance of viruses lies not only in the diseases they cause in every type of living organism, but also because of their intimate relationship with the living cell, in which alone they can reproduce. Their study has influenced the whole of biology by greatly increasing our knowledge of the gene, genetics, and molecular structure; there is also the possible connexion of viruses with human cancer, in view of the occurrence of many viral cancers in other animals. The book attempts to give a comprehensive but necessarily superficial survey of the subject as a whole and should help senior undergraduates and postgraduate students who wish to gain some knowledge of virology. Further information is available from the extensive bibliography.…mehr


74,99 €

Kathryn Smith

Kathryn Smith entdeckte ihre Leidenschaft fur Bucher im Alter von zehn Jahren, als sie die Romane von Kathleen E. Woodiwiss las, der Pionierin im Bereich historischer Liebesromane. Sie studierte Literaturwissenschaft und begann nach einer kurzen Tatigkeit als Journalistin mit dem Schreiben von Liebesromanen. Mittlerweile hat sie zahlreiche Bestseller in Amerika veroffentlicht, die in viele andere Sprachen ubersetzt wurden. Kathryn Smith lebt mit ihrem Ehemann in Connecticut.