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Toptitel von Kenzaburo Oe

Teach Us to Outgrow Our Madness

Broschiertes Buch
These four novels display Oe's passionate and original vision. Oe was ten when American jeeps first drove into the mountain village where he lived, and his literary work reveals the tension and ambiguity forged by the collapse of values of his childhood on the one hand and the confrontation with American writers on the other. The earliest of his novels included here, Prize Stock, reveals the strange relationship between a Japanese boy and a captured black American pilot in a Japanese village. Teach Us to Outgrow Our Madness tells of the close relationship between an outlandishly fat father and his mentally defective son, Eeyore. Aghwee the Sky Monster is about a young man's first job -- chaperoning a banker's son who is haunted by the ghost of a baby in a white nightgown. The Day He Himself Shall Wipe My Tears Away is the longest piece in this collection and Oe's most disturbing work to date. The narrator lies in a hospital bed waiting to die of a liver cancer that he has probably imagined, wearing a pair of underwater goggles covered with dark cellophane.…mehr


15,99 €

Hiroshima Notes

Broschiertes Buch
Hiroshima Notes is a powerful statement on the Hiroshima bombing and its terrible legacy by the 1994 Nobel laureate for literature. Oe's account of the lives of the many victims of Hiroshima and the valiant efforts of those who cared for them, both immediately after the atomic blast and in the years that follow, reveals the horrific extent of the devastation. It is a heartrending portrait of a ravaged city -- the "human face" in the midst of nuclear destruction. …mehr


15,99 €

Kenzaburo Oe

Kenzaburo Oe wurde am 31. Januar 1935 als funftes von sieben Kindern geboren. Wahrend um den jungen Oe in der Zeit des Zweiten Weltkrieges japanisch-nationalistische Euphorie herrschte, sorgte seine Gro?mutter fur seine kulturell-literarische Erziehung. Den Aufstieg zum Erfolgsautor brachte sein Erstlingsroman "Rei?t die Knospen ab" im Jahr 1958. Personliche Erfahrungen waren oft Gegenstand seiner Werke. So auch in "Eine personliche Erfahrung", das er nach der Geburt seines geistig behinderten Sohnes 1963 schrieb. Auch Politik war fur Oe immer ein wichtiges Thema, oft setzte er sich kritisch mit der Politik seines Landes auseinander. Aufgrund seiner kritischen Stellungnahmen und seiner Literatur gilt Kenzaburo Oe als einer der wichtigsten Autoren in seinem Heimatland. Im Jahr 1994 wurde ihm der Nobelpreis fur Literatur verliehen.