Autor im Porträt
Philip Pullman
zur AutorenweltToptitel von Philip Pullman
Über den wilden Fluss / His dark materials Bd.0
Broschiertes Buch
Der 11-jährige Malcolm lebt mit seinen Eltern und seinem Dæmon Asta in Oxford und geht in dem Kloster auf der anderen Seite der Themse aus und ein. Als die Nonnen ein Baby aufnehmen, von dem keiner wissen darf, ist es mit der Ruhe in dem alten Gemäuer vorbei. Auch Malcolm schließt das kleine Wesen, das in großer Gefahr zu sein scheint, sofort in sein Herz und setzt alles daran, es zu schützen. Es heißt: Lyra Belacqua.
Die Vorgeschichte des Weltbestsellers »Der Goldene Kompass« als Taschenbuch!
Alle Bände der unvergleichlichen Fantasy-Serie »His Dark Materials«:
Über den wilden Fluss (Band 0)
Der Goldene Kompass (Band 1)
Das Magische Messer (Band 2)
Das Bernstein-Teleskop (Band 3)
Ans andere Ende der Welt (Band 4)
Die Vorgeschichte des Weltbestsellers »Der Goldene Kompass« als Taschenbuch!
Alle Bände der unvergleichlichen Fantasy-Serie »His Dark Materials«:
Über den wilden Fluss (Band 0)
Der Goldene Kompass (Band 1)
Das Magische Messer (Band 2)
Das Bernstein-Teleskop (Band 3)
Ans andere Ende der Welt (Band 4)
12,00 €
The Secret Commonwealth: The Book of Dust Volume Two (eBook, ePUB)
eBook, ePUB
It is twenty years since the events of La Belle Sauvage: The Book of Dust Volume One unfolded and saw the baby Lyra Belacqua begin her life-changing journey.
It is almost ten years since readers left Lyra and the love of her young life, Will Parry, on a park bench in Oxford's Botanic Gardens at the end of the ground-breaking, bestselling His Dark Materials sequence.
Now, in The Secret Commonwealth, we meet Lyra Silvertongue. And she is no longer a child . . .
The second volume of Philip Pullman's The Book of Dust sees Lyra, now twenty years old, and her daemon Pantalaimon, forced to navigate their relationship in a way they could never have imagined, and drawn into the complex and dangerous factions of a world that they had no idea existed.
Pulled along on his own journey too is Malcolm; once a boy with a boat and a mission to save a baby from the flood, now a man with a strong sense of duty and a desire to do what is right.
Theirs is a world at once familiar and extraordinary, and they must travel far beyond the edges of Oxford, across Europe and into Asia, in search for what is lost - a city haunted by daemons, a secret at the heart of a desert, and the mystery of the elusive Dust.
The Secret Commonwealth is truly a book for our times; a powerful adventure and a thought-provoking look at what it is to understand yourself, to grow up and make sense of the world around you. This is storytelling at its very best from one of our greatest writers.
*The first book in The Book of Dust trilogy, La Belle Sauvage, is coming to the stage in the summer of this year. Performed at The Bridge Theatre from July 2020, it will be a theatrical spectacle not to be missed*
Reviews for The Secret Commonwealth: The Book of Dust Volume Two:
"[Pullman] has created a fantasy world, made yet more satisfying in rigour and stylistic elegance. This is a book for getting older with" Guardian, Book of the Week
"The Secret Commonwealth is ablaze with light and life. The writing is exquisite; every sentence sings ... To read Pullman is to experience the world refreshed, aglow, in Technicolour" i
"Pullman's story is still thought-provoking ... This book elegantly weaves in live issues, from Europe's refugee crisis to facts in the post-truth era. And Pullman's prose is rewarding as ever" The Times
"A long, taxing, complex journey, laced with beauty, terror and philosophy" Metro
"As ever, Pullman's story is complex and vast but home to some of the finest storytelling in the 21st century. Revel in whole new worlds and enjoy one of literature's most wonderful heroines before she comes to HBO and the BBC" Stylist
"Pullman is confronting readers with the horrors of our own world reflected back at us. In The Secret Commonwealth he creates a fearful symmetry" The Herald
It is almost ten years since readers left Lyra and the love of her young life, Will Parry, on a park bench in Oxford's Botanic Gardens at the end of the ground-breaking, bestselling His Dark Materials sequence.
Now, in The Secret Commonwealth, we meet Lyra Silvertongue. And she is no longer a child . . .
The second volume of Philip Pullman's The Book of Dust sees Lyra, now twenty years old, and her daemon Pantalaimon, forced to navigate their relationship in a way they could never have imagined, and drawn into the complex and dangerous factions of a world that they had no idea existed.
Pulled along on his own journey too is Malcolm; once a boy with a boat and a mission to save a baby from the flood, now a man with a strong sense of duty and a desire to do what is right.
Theirs is a world at once familiar and extraordinary, and they must travel far beyond the edges of Oxford, across Europe and into Asia, in search for what is lost - a city haunted by daemons, a secret at the heart of a desert, and the mystery of the elusive Dust.
The Secret Commonwealth is truly a book for our times; a powerful adventure and a thought-provoking look at what it is to understand yourself, to grow up and make sense of the world around you. This is storytelling at its very best from one of our greatest writers.
*The first book in The Book of Dust trilogy, La Belle Sauvage, is coming to the stage in the summer of this year. Performed at The Bridge Theatre from July 2020, it will be a theatrical spectacle not to be missed*
Reviews for The Secret Commonwealth: The Book of Dust Volume Two:
"[Pullman] has created a fantasy world, made yet more satisfying in rigour and stylistic elegance. This is a book for getting older with" Guardian, Book of the Week
"The Secret Commonwealth is ablaze with light and life. The writing is exquisite; every sentence sings ... To read Pullman is to experience the world refreshed, aglow, in Technicolour" i
"Pullman's story is still thought-provoking ... This book elegantly weaves in live issues, from Europe's refugee crisis to facts in the post-truth era. And Pullman's prose is rewarding as ever" The Times
"A long, taxing, complex journey, laced with beauty, terror and philosophy" Metro
"As ever, Pullman's story is complex and vast but home to some of the finest storytelling in the 21st century. Revel in whole new worlds and enjoy one of literature's most wonderful heroines before she comes to HBO and the BBC" Stylist
"Pullman is confronting readers with the horrors of our own world reflected back at us. In The Secret Commonwealth he creates a fearful symmetry" The Herald
14,99 €

© privat
Philip Pullman
Pullman, PhilipPhilip Pullman wurde 1946 in Norwich geboren. Er wuchs in Australien, Simbabwe, England und Wales auf. Er studierte Englisch am Exeter College in Oxford und unterrichtete danach zunächst am Westminster College. Mittlerweile hat Philip Pullman sich hauptberuflich der Schriftstellerei zugewandt und schreibt vor allem Kinder- und Jugendbücher sowie Kurzgeschichten. Sein bekanntestes Werk ist die Trilogie His Dark Materials, bestehend aus Der Goldene Kompass, Das Magische Messer und Das Bernstein-Teleskop. Die Trilogie wurde u. a. mit der Carnegie Medal und dem Guardian Children's Book Award ausgezeichnet. Für sein Gesamtwerk erhielt Philip Pullman 2005 den Astrid-Lindgren-Gedächtnispreis.Beck, RufusRufus Beck ist ein bekannter Film- und Theaterschauspieler, aber vor allem ein gefeierter Sprecher. Mit seiner Hörbuchinterpretation von »Harry Potter« hat er die Herzen der Fans erobert und wurde dafür sowohl mit dem HörKules als auch mit dem HÖRkulino ausgezeichnet. Der Facettenreichtum seiner Stimme erweckt jede Hörbuchproduktion zum Leben.Kundenbewertungen
Der Goldene Kompass - Die Trilogie / His dark materials Bd.1-3 (Gesamtausgabe) (eBook, ePUB)
Bewertung von Lisega am 18.09.2014
Diese Fantasy-Trilogie von Philip Pullman gehört zum Besten, was in den letzten Jahren in diesem Genre erschienen ist! Die drei Romane sind sehr gut und spannend geschrieben, mit vielen originellen Einfällen, die sich wohltuend von anderen Fantasy-Büchern abheben (z.B. die Seele als Dämon in Tiergestalt, oder die Mulefas). Da sowohl Band 1 (Der Goldene Kompass) als auch Band 2 (Das Magische Messer) am Ende total offen sind, empfiehlt es sich wirklich, diese Gesamtausgabe mit allen drei Bänden zu kaufen, um sofort weiterlesen zu können ;-)