Top-Rezensenten Übersicht

Carlo Alfonso


Bewertung vom 21.06.2021
Linear Algebra Done Right
Axler, Sheldon

Linear Algebra Done Right


This is a really clear and comprehensive introduction to linear algebra. I have used the book very happily for self study; the explanations are clear and the exercises are generally useful. (It would be nice to have some solutions for those of us studying on our own). This is probably the only book on linear algebra most of us will ever need. The only major result I have ever needed which was not in this book was the link between roots of the minimal polynomial and diagonalisability of matrices.
Buy this book, study it and you will achieve a reasonable proficiency in linear algebra about as painlessly as possible. You will also absorb something of the way professional mathematicians think about maths.

3 von 3 Kunden fanden diese Rezension hilfreich.