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Insgesamt 5 Bewertungen
Bewertung vom 20.03.2019
Bouldering (eBook, ePUB)
Beal, Peter

Bouldering (eBook, ePUB)

sehr gut

Worth the money! Well written and practical

This is practical guide that covers all you need to know about bouldering, techniques and even its history and ethics. To my surprise this is a very well written book, it covers important aspects of how bouldering came about and helps you understand what "good" bouldering looks like. Furthermore, this is of course a great guide to use if you want to improve your technique, strength or tactics.
There is only one minor aspect that put me off: to my mind, it focuses way too much on the developments in the USA and not other continents (however, this is of course understandable considering that it is an American author).

Bewertung vom 20.03.2019
Worte des
Mujica, José

Worte des "ärmsten Präsidenten der Welt" José "Pepe" Mujica (eBook, ePUB)


Ganz klar rausgeschmissenes Geld und keine Kaufempfehlung.

Das Buch besteht aus nur knapp 40 (!) Seiten, der Rest ist Werbung. Die 50 Seiten sind nur (nicht einmal akribisch) zusammengeworfene Zitate des ehemaligen uruguayischen Präsidenten Mujica.
Wer wirklich etwas über die Ansichtsweisen, Geschichte und Ideale von Mujica lernen will sollte lieber "Una oveja negra al poder" von Danza oder "Mujica - Una biografia inspiradora" von Percy lesen.

Diese fast wahllose Zusammenstellung von Zitaten ist jedoch keinen Cent wert.

Bewertung vom 20.03.2019
Conditioning for Climbers (eBook, ePUB)
Horst, Eric

Conditioning for Climbers (eBook, ePUB)

sehr gut

Great comprehensive book with only a few outdated facts.

All in all the Hörst gives a great overview of training for climbing. After addressing the general principles of physical training and non specific climbing training you learn about climbing specific conditioning, finger strength training, antagonist training and nutrition and injury prevention. To put it briefly: it is a good overview of what you need to know about the general ideas of training with specific exercises and programs connected. You even learn how to design your own conditioning program.
The only point where Hörst is off is in the nutrition section. Sometimes the book is not up to date with current research (e.g. the anabolic window).You're better off skipping the sub chapter, instead you might want to read some general articles about nutrition.

Bewertung vom 20.03.2019
Why I'm No Longer Talking to White People About Race (eBook, ePUB)
Eddo-Lodge, Reni

Why I'm No Longer Talking to White People About Race (eBook, ePUB)


Definitely worth a read.

In the book Reni Eddie Lodge, neatly displays why structural racism matters not only on a societal but also personal level. It's important to understand what kind of shapes racism can take and why it should not only be reduced to racial slurs in the streets. Furthermore, you get to understand why colour-blindness doesn't work, why we have to see race as an issue and address it on all levels.
All in all a very good read and definitely a recommendation

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