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Bewertung vom 21.02.2010
Swindells, Robert


weniger gut

I think the book Abomination is not the perfect book for children that have the same age like us(13 years).It is very difficult to read bacause of many unknown words.Although there is almost every word explained under the text.I really liked the idea of the the cellar,in a cage.That is something different.It was also good,that the author didn't divulge what or who Abomination is.That makes the book more interesting and you often want to read on and on because you would like to find out the secret of the religious & weird family.The folks of the protagonist Martha are very strict, so Martha, a 12 years old girl,is not allowed to watch tv,play computer,have friends and wear modern clothes.That is one of the reasons why she's bullied at school and has not even one friend there.Everybody calls her Raggedy-Ann.But when the new boy at school,Scott,came into her class, Marthas' life changed into a postive way.The two children became best friends and in the end also more...! I would advise the book to older children than us,maybe 15 or even 16 years.For some younger children it would be too scary.For other kids it would be too boring.Well,read it and then choose if you like it or not.

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