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Insgesamt 1245 BewertungenBewertung vom 10.07.2021 | ||
Als das nächste Kind in der Notaufnahme deutliche Spuren von häuslicher Gewalt aufzeigt, reißt bei dem Arzt Haavard der Geduldsfaden. Wie lange soll er noch tatenlos mitansehen, wie Kinder vor seinen Augen leiden müssen, oftmals mit dem Leben bezahlen und niemand etwas unternimmt? Auch seine Frau Clara ist schockiert ob des neuerlichen Falles, schon lange versucht sie einen Gesetzentwurf zum Schutz misshandelter Kinder durchzubringen, doch wieder einmal wird ihr Vorhaben abgeschmettert. Haavard beginnt seine Beobachtungen zu sammeln und hat bald schon eine Liste mit eindeutig verdächtigen Eltern zusammen. Doch genau diese wird ihm zu Verhängnis, denn jemand nimmt die Sache, vor der die Öffentlichkeit die Augen verschließt, in die Hand und ausgerechnet Haavard war gleich zwei Mal in unmittelbarer Nähe, als brutal Rache geübt wurde. |
Bewertung vom 04.07.2021 | ||
The annual Folk Fest is the biggest event on Bayleen Island in 1969. The atmosphere is pulsating while the audience is waiting for Jesse Reid, latest superstar with his guitar and extraordinary voice. On his way to the show, he has an accident which unexpectedly bring the local band Breakers on stage. It only takes minutes for Jane Quinn, their singer and songwriter, to win the people over with her charismatic performance. It is the birth of a star, the Breakers are invited record an album and to tour with Jesse’s band. Quite naturally, the two musicians fall for each other, but it is not an easy love, neither Jesse nor Jane is the carefree new star, they suffer from bad experiences and the demons that haunt them. Additionally, Jane fights with the music industry’s sexism and a feeling of being considered just Jesse’s accessory. For some time, they ignore all this, but closing their eyes does not prevent them forever from having to face some truths. |
Bewertung vom 04.07.2021 | ||
In a time when exploring the world is something to look forward to but due to pandemic restrictions not easily doable, travel books are a great way to discover new places and stir up anticipation for the time after. Travis Elborough has found places which are not on the average agenda for a trip. In the subtitle, he calls them “the world’s most unusual corners” and I couldn’t agree more with that. |
Bewertung vom 19.06.2021 | ||
Joan flees New York to California after he lover Victor shot himself publicly in front of her. With little money left, she finds a small place to stay and she also finds the woman she was looking for. Alice, whom she had tracked online over all those years. She thinks back to what her life had to offer so far, her mother who was unable to love her, her father whom she admired childishly. Both have long been gone. Joan can run, but somehow her bad luck follows her, she seems prone to attracting all kind of evil and so it does not take too long until it comes back to her. |
Bewertung vom 08.06.2021 | ||
Everyone Knows Your Mother Is a Witch Even though the Middle Ages are over, superstition and strange beliefs are still widespread among people. Thus, in 1615, Katharina Kepler finds herself accused of witchcraft by the people of her hometown of Leonberg in southern Germany. Times are hard, the Plague is spreading the Thirty Years’ War has just begun and somebody must be blamed for all the things happening. Katharina is an elderly widow, illiterate and mother of the astronomer Johannes Kepler. She leads a simple life, attending to her cow Chamomile. One day, however, Ursula Reinbold, accuses her of witchcraft, having offered a bitter drink which allegedly poisoned her, and surprisingly, the court not only listens but more and more people come forwards with testimonies of Katharina’s ill-doing. Only her neighbour, old Simon, who prefers to keep to himself, stands by her side. |
Bewertung vom 06.06.2021 | ||
Anfang der 1950er Jahre in einem katholischen Mädcheninternat in Frankreich. Isabelle ist die beste Schülerin, die alle bewundern, die neue Schülerin Thérèse ist die Tochter einer alleinerziehenden Mutter, die zum Zielobjekt ihres Hasses wird. Doch die anfängliche Abneigung der beiden gegeneinander wandelt sich und wird zu einer leidenschaftlichen Liebesbeziehung. Nachts im Schlafsaal, wenn alle anderen in ihre Träume versunken sind, geben sie sich ihren Gefühlen hin und entdecken die Liebe, die nicht sein darf. Nicht bei Minderjährigen, nicht bei zwei jungen Frauen und gleich dreimal nicht im Internat. Immerzu drohen sie aufzufliegen und Thérèses intensive Abhängigkeit macht es bald unmöglich für sie, einen Schultag zu durchzustehen. 2 von 2 Kunden fanden diese Rezension hilfreich. |
Bewertung vom 04.06.2021 | ||
Matthew Keating wanted to serve a second term as POTUS, but his mission against one of the evilest terrorists went disastrously wrong and cost him the presidency. Now, he is doing more or less nothing apart from fishing and not so much enjoying himself. When his daughter Mel is abducted by IS terrorist Asim Al-Asheed who wants to revenge his wife and daughters, ex SEAL Matt takes it personal. Since the official agencies totally fail to rescue the girl, he decides to become active himself to get her back. He is still well-connected and secretly sets up a small team to do what a father has to do. |
Bewertung vom 03.06.2021 | ||
Sisters Ida and Marthe have planned to spend some days together at their cabin close to the sea where they will be joined by their mother and her partner. Ida is reluctant to go there, with her 40th birthday only a couple of weeks ago and still no father for prospective children in view, she knows that her window of becoming a mother is getting closer and closer. This is why she decided to freeze some of her eggs. Yet, it does not hinder her from negative feelings towards Marthe who, now pregnant and stepmother of beautiful 6-year-old Olea, seems – as always – to get everything she wants. Hard feelings accompany Ida and slowly turn their holiday together into a catastrophe. |
Bewertung vom 02.06.2021 | ||
Die kürzeste Geschichte Englands Den Brexit haben die Menschen auf dem Kontinent teils fassungslos, teils kopfschüttelnd betrachtet. Wie konnte es zu so einer gravierenden (Fehl-)Entscheidung kommen? Man hat den Eindruck die Briten nicht mehr zu verstehen, vielleicht aber auch nie verstanden zu haben. Tausende Jahre Geschichte sind es, die das Land zu dem gemacht haben, das diese folgenreiche Abstimmung herbeiführte. Doch kann man einen so langen Zeitraum prägnant und gut lesbar zusammenfassen? James Hawes ist dies gelungen. Von Caesars Eroberung über zahlreiche Kriege bis hin zur Entstehung des Empire und dessen Niedergang im 20. Jahrhundert, ein letztes Aufbäumen durch popkulturelle Erfolge kurz vor der Jahrtausendwende und schließlich die Absage auf ein gemeinsames Europa. Mit zahlreichen historischen Dokumenten, Karte und prägnanten Schaubildern untermauert er die Tatsache, dass die Nation nicht erst im Brexit ihre tiefe Spaltung zeigte, tatsächlich war sie nie wirklich vereint. |
Bewertung vom 30.05.2021 | ||
Nella Rogers has achieved what she could only dream of, at 26 she is editorial assistant at one of the most prestigious publishing houses. The only thing she has been struggling with the last two years is how the idea of diversity has never entered her workplace, after the Asian girl left, she is the only person with a different background. Things change when unexpectedly Hazel is employed and gets the cubicle next to her. Nella senses immediately that with another black girl, they might finally make a change in publishing, promote more diverse authors and bring forward new topics relevant to a large audience which wasn’t addressed so far. However, it does not take too long until Nella’s work life starts to go downhill. |