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Insgesamt 1245 BewertungenBewertung vom 27.05.2021 | ||
It’s been thirty years that Bruno’s boss J.-J. has been haunting the murderer of an unknown man found in the forest. This cold case seems unsolvable, nobody missed someone and no item which could help to identify him was ever found. Yet, as technology advances, so do the police’s possibilities. By the help of an expert in face reconstruction, they try to remodel his looks, at the same time, quite unexpectedly, another DNA search shows a hit. While J.-J. is happy that his longest case might come to a close, the lovely Périgord region is threatened by fires. While the inhabitants fear the worst, this comes on a very political level with J.-.J.’s cold case: the murderer he has been looking for might be linked to even more serious crimes and thus, national security is suddenly threatened. |
Bewertung vom 25.05.2021 | ||
Murder and mystery are what they are all interested in as the members of the so called Mystery Club of their university. They like to delve in the classic stories and to solve the puzzles of crimes. They have even given themselves nick names after the great classic writers of crime novels: Ellery, Carr, Leroux, Poe, Van, Agatha and Orczy. When they are invited to the remote island of Tsunojima, they are thrilled. It has been the place of a quadruple murder the year before and thus promises an interesting week which they want to spend with writing and enjoying themselves. Yet, they did not count on somebody waiting there for them to settle an old bill which is to be paid with their lives. In the meantime, on the mainland, three people receive letters insinuating that something strange might be going on and that a presumably dead killer might still be around. |
Bewertung vom 23.05.2021 | ||
Deutschland in naher Zukunft. Die Bundestagswahl steht an und größte Chancen auf den Sieg hat die Ökologische Partei. Nicht jedoch, weil die Klimakrise sich weiter verschärft hat, sondern wegen der Spitzenkandidatin Sabah Hussein. Sie repräsentiert das neue, diverse Deutschland: eingewanderte Muslimin, Feministin und Ikone der Minderheiten, die das Land radikal verändern will. Doch es gibt auch Strömungen gegen sie, all jene, die Jahrhunderte lang privilegiert waren und nun wegen neuer Gesetze plötzlich auf der anderen Seite stehen. Nicht nur die alten weißen Männer, auch die deutschen Frauen, die ohne Vielfältigkeitsmerkmal keine Chance mehr haben. Es bleibt ihnen die radikale Abschottung oder der Kampf gegen die omnipräsente Kanzlerkandidatin, der man scheinbar auch alle Fehltritte verzeiht. 8 von 9 Kunden fanden diese Rezension hilfreich. |
Bewertung vom 22.05.2021 | ||
It started out as a love story, but Mick Riva wasn’t made for loving only one woman, he was first of all made for a career in the music business and that’s what he did. His wife June though was made for loving but since her husband was absent, she only had to love her kids. The first born Nina, and the second, Jay, and the third who wasn’t her kid at all but she couldn’t just turn her back on Mick’s son Hud who was abandoned by his mother. And last but not least Kit, born long after her parents’ relationship had already fractured several times. While Mick was away, June took care of the kids until she couldn’t anymore, then quite naturally, Nina took over. Now, as a successful model, she is preparing for the legendary annual Riva party in her home in Malibu. Even though they have been having this party for many years, this year will be different and at the end of the night, nothing will be the same anymore for any of the Riva family. |
Bewertung vom 16.05.2021 | ||
Fariza Nasri ist eine der besten Kommissarinnen, denn sie bringt die Menschen zu reden. Sie hört ihnen zu, gibt ihnen das Gefühl, dass sie sich bei ihr endlich alles von der Seele reden können. Nach dem Verschwinden der 17-jährigen Finja stecken die Ermittlungen fest, die Polizisten sind sich jedoch sicher, dass Stephan Barig, der Freund der Mutter, etwas damit zu tun hat. Langsam nähert sich die Oberkommissarin der Wahrheit. Sie hört Dinge, die sie nicht hören will, sich aber anhören muss und findet in dem Netz, das sie langsam webt, weitere Spuren zu einem ganz anderen Verbrechen und auch da ist sie es wieder, der das Herz ausgeschüttet wird und die die Last der Mörder auf sich nehmen muss. Dabei trägt sie auch ihre eigene Last, denn auf welcher Seite des Tisches im Befragungsraum Täter sitzen, verwischt ebenso wie die Vorstellung von Täter und Opfer. |
Bewertung vom 13.05.2021 | ||
Erin and her husband Danny are the perfect couple and still totally in love when, one morning, Danny’s partner appears unexpectedly at their door and Danny jumps to death. When Erin starts asking questions about the why, the police remain quiet, she only learns that there must have been some internal investigation and that obviously her husband wasn’t the good cop she has always assumed. Yet, a lot of things are strange and when Erin is approached by a guy named Cal who tells her that she shouldn’t believe the rumours because Danny wanted to help his sister against all obstacles within the police, she does not know what to believe anymore. Eighteen months later, she finds herself in court – charged with murdering her husband. How could things turn out so badly? |
Bewertung vom 13.05.2021 | ||
The death of an old sheep farmer does not seem too suspicious, he was suffering from heart problems and scheduled for getting a pacemaker. Yet, when his son and daughter find out that they have been disinherited and that their father had planned to move into a luxurious retirement home, this raises questions. Even more so when neither the insurance nor the notaire responsible for the contract can be gotten hold of. While Bruno Courrèges, Chief of Police of St. Denis, investigates, he also enjoys the Dordogne summer and especially the time with his friends, amongst them former musician Rod Macrae who lives in an old nearby castle and is waiting for his children to spend some time there. Bruno is fond of the two now grown-ups and quite surprised when gets to know Jamie’s girl-friend: Galina Stichkin, daughter of a superrich oligarch and close friend of the Russian president. |
Bewertung vom 11.05.2021 | ||
Rose Christie cannot believe it when she is offered a job at the prestigious boarding school Caldonbrae Hall, set on a recluse peninsula above the Scottish cliffs. They haven’t hired new staff for more than a decade and the Classics teacher is a lot younger than her colleagues, much closer in age to her students. School does not only cater for her, but also for her mother whose health is deteriorating and who thus can get the best medical care. The rules at the institution are strict and not easy for Rose to figure out, too different is her new work place from the schools she worked before. Yet, she soon gets the feeling that what is advertised as tradition is much more an overcome idea of the world in which women are reduced to being pretty and just longing for being married. Only in her classroom can she talk about the female heroines of the ancient world that have always fascinated her – yet, this is not a way of thinking which is tolerated there and soon Rose finds herself deep in trouble. |
Bewertung vom 09.05.2021 | ||
Die kleinste gemeinsame Wirklichkeit Die Wissenschaftsjournalistin Mai Thi Nguyen-Kim ist in der deutschen Medienlandschaft seit einigen Jahren eine feste Größe, weil sie unermüdlich mit charmanter Sachlichkeit gegen wissenschaftliches Unwissen, Fake News und Populismus ankämpft. In ihrem aktuellen Buch greift die Chemikerin acht große Diskussionsthemen auf, die sie nicht nur auf ihren wissenschaftlichen Gehalt hin überprüft, sondern dem Leser auch die Methoden und Hintergründe erklärt, wie sie zu den Antworten kommt (oder auch mal nicht). Sie spricht über die Legalisierung von Drogen, den Zusammenhang von Videospielen und Gewalt, den Gender Pay Gap, klassische vs. alternative Medizin, die Sicherheit von Impfungen, die Erblichkeit von Intelligenz, die Unterschiede zwischen Männer- und Frauengehirnen und reißt die Frage nach der ethischen Vertretbarkeit von Tierversuchen auf. Abschließend plädiert sie – sehr passend vor dem Hintergrund der letzten Monate in der Corona-Pandemie – für eine andere Diskussionskultur und einen anderen Umgang mit der Wissenschaft. 2 von 2 Kunden fanden diese Rezension hilfreich. |