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Insgesamt 1245 BewertungenBewertung vom 12.08.2020 | ||
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As a single mother with a highly sensitive 8-year-old son and a very tight financial situation, Ruth already has a lot to carry. When one morning she comes across Rob in front of the school where she works as a secretary, she cannot believe what she sees: the man who pretended to be single when she spent a night with him obviously is happily married with kids. Ruth is furious and so is Janine, Rob’s wife, when she realises what she is witnessing. Ruth made her biggest enemy with Janine, the one woman in the community who is great at networking and friends with everybody. The same day, the school gets a letter demanding Ruth’s lay-off because of how she behaved in front of children. But this is only the beginning of a totally nasty fight. |
Bewertung vom 10.08.2020 | ||
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After her father’s death and the revelation that apart from her mother, there was another woman he obviously loved, January falls into a deep hole. Hopelessly romantic as she is, she does not understand the world anymore and has to realise that her parents’ perfect marriage was far from the ideal she had always pictured it. Her mental state also keeps her from doing her job: writing romantic novels. How can you write about love when you lost all believe in it? Totally broke and to overcome her writer’s block, she moves to her father’s beach house which she plans to clear out and sell and where she hopes over summer to finish her next novel. When she arrives, another surprise is waiting for her: her neighbour Augustus Everett was at college with her and her greatest enemy. He always looked down on her Happily Ever After novels while he himself was more of the serious literary writing type. Soon, they realise that they have much more in common than they had thought and somehow they come to have a bet: swap genres and see who is the first to sell a book. |
Bewertung vom 09.08.2020 | ||
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When they hear some noise outside, Kavita opens the door and finds her son Vivek dead on the porch. There was some commotion at the local market and Vivek had wanted to go there where he obviously was killed. But who would ever want to do something to her beloved son? Yes, he had always been different, a bit strange which also made it hard for his cousin and childhood best friend Osita who witnessed strange occurrences such as Vivek’s mind wandering away and making him believe being a different person. And that’s just what he was, secretly, without his parents’ knowledge. But Osita, too, has some secrets he keeps from his and Vivek’s family, some just because they do not fit in their village’s idea of a young man’s life, others because they would be impossible to endure for anybody. |
Bewertung vom 08.08.2020 | ||
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Das Leben ist ein wilder Garten Landschaftsgärtner Carlo Weiss wird aus seinem gewohnten Trapp gerissen. Seine Tochter ist zum Studium aus der Schweiz nach London gezogen, seine Frau Ana hat ihn kürzlich verlassen und dann wird auch noch sein Angestellter Agon von wilden Kerlen brutal zusammengeschlagen und muss ins Krankenhaus. Derweil flüchtet Carlos Mutter aus ihrem Seniorenheim und ist seit Tagen nicht mehr gesehen worden. Bei dem Versuch, alles wieder ins Lot zu bringen, kommt er seinem Mitarbeiter näher, erkennt das Talent seiner Tochter, merkt er, dass er immer noch innige Liebe für seine Frau empfindet und erfährt eine schier ungeheuerliche Geschichte über das Leben seiner Mutter, die er bislang nur in dieser Funktion wahrgenommen hat und nie darüber nachdachte, dass auch sie mal ein junges Mädchen mit großen Träumen gewesen sein könnte. |
Bewertung vom 07.08.2020 | ||
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Gabrielle ist Asylrichterin. Sie entscheidet über eine Zukunft in Österreich oder die Rückkehr in ein Land ohne Perspektive. Sie hat Akten, sie hat Berichte, sie ist allein, wenn sie eine Entscheidung treffen muss. Erzählt man ihr die Wahrheit oder ist das Schicksal aufgebauscht; kann die Erfahrung, die man ihr schildert, wirklich so sein oder ist das der Versuch, sich einen Platz an der Sonne zu erobern? Mit ihrem Mann kann sie sich kaum mehr austauschen, der frühpensionierte Lehrer könnte kaum weiter von ihr entfernt sein, die soziale Dysbalance mit der Frau in der Machtposition kommt erschwerend hinzu. Alles scheint möglich und nichts ist mehr auszuhalten. |
Bewertung vom 06.08.2020 | ||
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Elizabeth is used to a high working load and stress, but this situation might bring her down. One of her young lawyer’s phones has been pickpocketed and he had neither security nor lock on it – but highly sensitive data on their current case. The best woman to take care of such a mess is Valencia Walker, former CIA officer and fixer of unsolvable cases. Indeed, she and her team can track the phone down immediately, but nevertheless, some blackmailing takes place. While Valencia sets everything in motion to stop any more harm from occurring, Elizabeth wonders why she is doing all this and if she shouldn’t just give all up, not knowing what else there is to come. |
Bewertung vom 05.08.2020 | ||
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Theo’s birth is highly dramatic, much too early, the young boy has to be taken to intensive care while his mother Maddie is still weakened by the C-section. So, it’s Pete’s task to get familiar with all the machines and to take care of his little son. Despite the turbulent start, Theo develops much better than expected and Pete turns out to be the perfect father while Maddie struggles with her new role. Quite naturally, they decide to have Pete stay at home since his job is less well paid and he totally likes taking care of the boy. When one day Miles and his wife Lucy are in front of their door, they only have faint memories of the couple whose boy was born on the same day as Theo and who was also taken to an incubator. The reason for their visit will shake their lives: the boys were swapped and Theo actually is their biological son. What starts as a friendly encounter, since they all sit in the same boat, quickly turns into the most evil fight no parent would ever like to be in. And just like in war, Miles is willing to use any weapon available to get his boy. |
Bewertung vom 03.08.2020 | ||
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Nick, Max and Richard are the members of the promising lacrosse team of their college. Apart from doing sports, partying is what they like most, getting drunk and making out with girls. After one especially wild party, rumours spread, but the versions of what happened vary. Richard and Max claim their innocence while Alice cannot really remember, but she is sure that her best friend Haley tells the truth when she asserts that immediately after the deed, the boys boasted about what they had done to her. Years go by, Richard turns into a rich businessman, also Haley made a career in the film industry. Things didn’t turn out that well for the others, Nick is closer to death by drinking or simply being stupid and Alice struggles forever with psychological problems stemming from the assumed assault. It will take years until the four of them confront again and the truth about what happened comes to the light. |
Bewertung vom 02.08.2020 | ||
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Einfluss und Macht, darum geht es im Paris 2016. Jean Farel ist seit Jahrzehnten angesehener Journalist und Moderator der wichtigsten politischen Diskussionssendung im Land. Alle Präsidenten kennt er, alle wichtigen Franzosen hat er interviewt. Seine Frau Claire ist ebenfalls gefragt als Journalistin und Essayistin, dass ihre Ehe schon lange nur noch Show für die Öffentlichkeit ist, ist für beide mit ihren jeweiligen Partnern in Ordnung. Ihr gemeinsamer Sohn Alexandre ist ebenfalls mehr als wohlgeraten: mit besten Noten die Schule abgeschlossen, an der besten Universität Frankreichs angenommen und nun Student in Stanford. Doch der Abend, an dem Jean Farel eine der höchsten Ehren des Landes zuteilwird, wird ihr Leben durcheinanderwirbeln. Am nächsten Morgen steht die Polizei vor der Tür mit einem Durchsuchungsbeschluss, es liegt eine Anzeige vor: Alexandre soll die Tochter von Claires Lebensgefährten brutal vergewaltigt haben. |
Bewertung vom 02.08.2020 | ||
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Slowly he is deteriorating and the verdict is clear: dementia. Zvi Luria, former road engineer, struggles with the diagnosis and the effects of the illness: increasingly, he is forgetting first names and once he could only be stopped at the last moment from picking up another boy than his grandchild from kindergarten. When he is invited to a farewell party of a former colleague, he visits his old office where he stumbles upon Asael Maimoni, the son of his last legal adviser, who is now occupying his post. Luria’s wife thinks it would be a good idea to get her husband’s brain filled with work again and thus he becomes Maimoni’s unpaid assistant in planning a tunnel in the Negev desert. When working on the road, he not only profits from his many years of experience that he can successfully use despite his slowly weakening memory, but he also learns a lot about his own country and the people he never tried to really get to know. |