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Insgesamt 1245 BewertungenBewertung vom 07.11.2019 | ||
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Vom LKA aufs Abstellgleis. Nachdem ein Einsatz schiefgelaufen ist, wird Zielfahnder Thomas Mohr mit einer eigenen Abteilung beglückt: er soll Altfälle, Cold Cases, bearbeiten und dabei möglichst wenig auffallen. Widerwillig macht er sich an die Arbeit und greift nach der ersten Akte. Fünf Jahre sind vergangen seit der Nacht, in der der Jurastudent Jonas aus unerklärlichen Gründen in den Rhein fiel und ertrank. Zwei Wochen später fand man seine Leiche. Eigentlich kein Fall für ihn, die Ermittlungen sind abgeschlossen, aber schon kurz nachdem Mohr angefangen hat zu lesen, wird ihm klar, dass in dem Fall vieles geschehen ist, aber ganz sicher keine saubere Polizeiarbeit. Die Kollegen haben so ziemlich alles falsch gemacht, was man nur falsch machen kann. So schlecht können die gar nicht sein, was steckt also dahinter? Mohr beginnt Fragen zu stellen und die Antworten, die er erhält - oder auch nicht - bringen sein eigenes Bild vom gerechten Staat ins Wanken. |
Bewertung vom 05.11.2019 | ||
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When Natasha arrives from Russia at her new boarding school in rural England, she struggles to adapt. Not only the foreign language, but the special language all these year-11 girls from superrich families use. Yet, not only the words, but also the manners are quite unique and the one thing that they are obsessed with is how to lose weight. It is not just to get rid of some rests of baby fat or being in a better shape, the most important thing is being thinner than the others since the headmaster treats those girls differently. But then, their weight-loss competition goes totally wrong and one of the girls dies. Reaction of the school management: let’s not get any information outside and set up an anti-anorexia plan which only gives the girls even more ideas of what to do... |
Bewertung vom 03.11.2019 | ||
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After his first investigation in Greenland, Matthew Cave has remained on the Danish island. There are still a lot of questions around his family he would like to have answered. Now, the story goes back to the year 1990 when Matt’s father Tom was stationed at an American military base on Greenland to carry out revolutionary medical tests. They managed to develop a pill which could make the body support cold temperatures much longer – a definite advantage in the cold north. Yet, this did not come without side effects and then something went totally wrong. Matt thought his father had died in that spring but he has already figured out that he must have survived somehow since Matt unexpectedly has found out that he has a younger sister. When he starts to investigate what happened on that military base almost 25 years before, he suddenly hits a hornet’s nest and puts himself and his sister in danger. |
Bewertung vom 31.10.2019 | ||
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Es sollte ein entspannendes Wochenende in einem abgelegenen Hotel in den Catskills werden. Candice White will dort an ihrem neuen Roman arbeiten, der Strafverteidiger David Paley einfach nur ein wenig Abstand vom stressigen Alltag finden. Die hübsche Dana und ihr ebenbürtiger Verlobter Matthew, Spross einer reichen New Yorker Familie, entfliehen dem Hochzeitsvorbereitungsstress, während Lauren und ihr Partnern Ian einfach nur ein Wochenende ausspannen wollen. Für die Journalistinnen und Freundinnen Gwen und Riley beginnt der Ausflug schon nicht glücklich, im Schneegestöber rutschen sie von der Fahrbahn, bleiben jedoch glücklicherweise unverletzt. Für Beverly und ihren Ehemann Henry ist der Kurzurlaub vielleicht die letzte Chance ihre Ehe zu retten. Sie alle kommen bei Bradley und seinem Vater James unter. Doch was mit großen Erwartungen beginnt, entwickelt sich schnell zum Alptraum. Nicht nur haben sie keinen Internetzugang, als der Schneesturm zu einem Stromausfall führt und man Dana tot auffindet, verwandelt sich der Hotelaufenthalt zum Horrortrip. Doch die junge Frau sollte nur das erste Opfer sein, weitere werden folgen. |
Bewertung vom 31.10.2019 | ||
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Twelve different women, twelve different fates. Bernardine Evaristo was awarded the Man Booker Prize 2019 for her novel which does not have a real plot with an all-embracing story but for each of the main characters offers a short insight in their life often at crucial turning point. Their stories overlap, are often cleverly intertwined. What they share is the fact that they address fundamental topics: first of all, I’d say “Girl, Woman, Other“ is a feminist novel since the cause of the woman in modern England, mostly the black woman, is the central topic. Apart from this, relationships, sexuality and gender identity are tackled as well as politics and what it means to be successful. |
Bewertung vom 27.10.2019 | ||
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The Professor of Immortality a Novel Since her husband Sam has died, Ann Arbor professor Maxine Sayers feels lonely. She fully dedicates her life to her Institute of Future Studies where she researches the effects of technology on the people knowing that, eventually, her small world might be closed down as they do not produce anything commercially useful. When her son Zach quits his Silicon Valley job without a warning and vanishes without any further notice and her mother’s health deteriorates, she feels quite depressed. But things become even worse when a series of bomb attacks by the so-called “Technobomber” remind her of incidents of the past: might her son be involved in these terrorist doings? When his former MIT professor is seriously hurt, she knows that she has to find him and she has the bad feeling that she knows who is behind it all. |
Bewertung vom 27.10.2019 | ||
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Der brutale Mord an einem Kollegen bringt Zack Herry seinen nächsten und schwersten Fall: er soll einen verdeckt agierenden Polizisten betreuen, der zuvor von dem getöteten Kollegen geführt wurde. Der Doppelagent sitzt offenbar ganz nah an Bogan Ravi, einem Drogenbaron, der offenbar einen großen Coup plant. Im Privatleben läuft es unerwartet gut, nachdem er die attraktive Indha kennengelernt hat. Etwas Mysteriöses umgibt die Frau, aber das erhöht nur ihren Reiz. Als Zack den Kontakt zu seinem Informanten verliert, bittet er seinen alten Freund Abdula um Hilfe, nicht wissend, dass er damit mehr als nur ihre Freundschaft riskiert. Aber es steckt noch viel mehr dahinter, womit er nicht nur sich selbst, sondern ganz Stockholm gefährdet. |
Bewertung vom 23.10.2019 | ||
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A heart attack will surely be the end of Victor, it is just a question of days and until he breathes for the last time. His wife Barbra visits him in hospital, accompanies him during these last days remembering the good, but most all the bad times they had together. Their daughter Alex also rushes to New Orleans to say good-bye, even though she is reluctant to do so. Their son Gary, however, refuses to see his father. He hides in Los Angeles and is unwilling to even talk to his family. Victor was a man with two faces, one for the family and one for the world outside. He was successful, at least it seemed so, but his success was founded on his character and this undoubtedly had some very dark spots. |
Bewertung vom 21.10.2019 | ||
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When Iris gets pregnant at the age of fifteen, she only takes in the fact that she and her boyfriend Aubrey are going to have a baby. What this really means for her life, she cannot assess at that moment. Sixteen years later, her daughter Melody is having her coming-of-age-party wearing the dress that was once meant for her mother. Not just Iris’s life takes another road with the unexpected kid, also her parents’ plans and of course those of Aubrey and his family change due to the new situation and all of them also have to face the world outside their family bubbly where not everybody is totally understanding. A novel about family bonds and about what influence a single human being can have on how you live your life. |