Broschiertes Buch
Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Strategic Management of Marine Ecosystems, Nice, France, 1-11 October, 2003
24. März 2005
Springer Netherlands / Springer, Berlin
Gebundenes Buch | 121,99 € | |
eBook, PDF | 113,95 € |

Gebundenes Buch
Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Strategic Management of Marine Ecosystems, Nice, France, 1-11 October, 2003
24. März 2005
Springer / Springer Netherlands

Gebundenes Buch
Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workhop on The Role of Risk Assessment in Environmental Security and Emergency Preparedness in the Mediterranean Region, held in Eilat, Israel, April 15-18, 2004
6. Dezember 2005
Springer / Springer Netherlands
eBook, PDF | 113,95 € |

eBook, PDF
9. Dezember 2016
Springer New York
Broschiertes Buch | 104,99 € | |
Gebundenes Buch | 75,99 € |

Gebundenes Buch
Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workhop on the Role of Risk Assessment in Environmental Security and Emergency Preparedness in the Mediterranean Region, Held in Eilat, Israel, April 15-18, 2004
2006 edition
24. November 2005
Springer / Springer Netherlands
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