The composition, structure and functional dynamics of the onitocenosis present in the evergreen forest of the Pico San Juan Ecological Reserve were determined using the standardized method of sampling by census itinerary with transect bands. The bird assemblage found in the study area is made up of 71 species, 56 genera, 27 families and 12 orders of the class Aves. Of the total: 14 species are endemic, 25 are migratory and 51 breed in Cuba. Of these, eight are very common, 50 are common, 10 are uncommon, three are rare and five are threatened. Regarding trophic guilds, granivorous species predominate. The numerically dominant species were: Priotelus ternuras and Vireo altiloquus. The bird community present in wooded areas of the Pico is stable and interesting, as it shows high values for the calculated ecological indices.