There was a clear division of labour between men and women in the past. Men were active in public sphere, while women cared about households, husbands and children in private sphere. How it is organized nowadays when usually both parents are in need to be employed? This monograph examines a need of employees with young children for balancing work and family life and employer s ability to satisfy these needs. Unfortunately, women in general have not been liberated from their previous role in private sphere yet, which leads to reproduction of gender stereotypes and gender inequality in society. Being aware of an importance to satisfy working parents needs and an existence of unequal treatment in the labour market I examine the role of the state as a guarantor of welfare and provider of public policies, and the role of an employer. Current situation, on the background of current social policies in Sweden, in one concrete organization Arbetsförmedlingen (employment office) in Falun is researched here. I would recommend this monograph to all people who are interested in gender issues, social policy or HR management, and especially to all employers and managers.