The Rev. Cheryl V. Minor, Ph.D., is the Director of the Center for the Theology of Childhood, the research and development arm of the Godly Play Foundation. For over 20 years, she has served as Co-Rector at the All Saints' Episcopal Church in Belmont, Massachusetts, where she is privileged to practice Godly Play with children ages three to thirteen. She is the author of Godly Play in Middle and Late Childhood.
Foreword by Jerome W. Berryman and Heather Ingersoll Acknowledgments
Chapter 1: The Children Chapter 2: The Environment Chapter 3: The Spiral
Curriculum Chapter 4: Leading the Session Chapter 5: Response Time Chapter
6: The Feast Chapter 7: Nurturing the Nurturers Chapter 8: Why Do It?
Appendix A: Maps of the Godly Play Room Appendix B: Chart of the Spiral
Curriculum Appendix C: Sample Story Schedules Appendix D: Annotated List of
Suggested Print Materials for a Godly Play Room Appendix E: Chart of Six
Conditions Needed to Nurture Children's Spiritual Lives Appendix F: Young
Person's Drawing of a Cross