Much of the current debates in the social service
delivery have focused on the blurring boundaries
between three sectors ? the nonprofit, business and
public sector. Surprisingly no empirical research
has been given to this phenomenon from macro and
comparative perspectives. The study aims to bridge
this knowledge gap by presenting the conceptual and
methodological model to link organization and
strategic management theory with network theory.
Major findings uncovered by network analysis are; 1)
Network structures are different according to
specific types of collaboration relationships. 2)
When three sector organizations are participated in
the work referral network, the social service system
emerges. Three sectors play a unique role
respectively ? a sender for public agencies, a
service provider for businesses. As a major actor in
the social service field, nonprofits not only play
these two roles, but also play a coordinating or
broker role between three sectors. 3) When either of
the business or public sector is introduced in the
collaboration network, new network structures replace
the network structure which is composed exclusively
of nonprofits.
delivery have focused on the blurring boundaries
between three sectors ? the nonprofit, business and
public sector. Surprisingly no empirical research
has been given to this phenomenon from macro and
comparative perspectives. The study aims to bridge
this knowledge gap by presenting the conceptual and
methodological model to link organization and
strategic management theory with network theory.
Major findings uncovered by network analysis are; 1)
Network structures are different according to
specific types of collaboration relationships. 2)
When three sector organizations are participated in
the work referral network, the social service system
emerges. Three sectors play a unique role
respectively ? a sender for public agencies, a
service provider for businesses. As a major actor in
the social service field, nonprofits not only play
these two roles, but also play a coordinating or
broker role between three sectors. 3) When either of
the business or public sector is introduced in the
collaboration network, new network structures replace
the network structure which is composed exclusively
of nonprofits.