In a book such as this, involving the exodus of Catholic Nuns, we shall first of all study the likely problems that might be unconsciously militating against the progress and advancement of its adherents. These issues bother within the areas of ethics, spirituality, religion and psychology as well. The fact that a woman or young girl joined this group, religious life, freely and later deserted it has much to say about the psychology and faith practice of the individual person in question. In this investigation therefore, much emphasis is going to be placed on the circumstances that might lead one to such decisions and suggestions that might assist to curb any unhealthy decision. The exodus of Catholic Nuns from their religious profession must have a reason. Just as young men in the Catholic Church are called for active participation and ministry as priests, the women folks equally have special ways to express their devotion and dedication to the same Church too. The founding of this powerful organ of Women Religious should not be overemphasized. Thus, there is every need to investigate why some Nuns leave their Profession after years of committed services to the Church.