Throughout the centuries much debate has been made
over the practice of War, the procedures that create
the circumstances which lead to its employment, and
the questioning of its inevitability in the
contemporary world. Traditional warfighting has
changed in the 1990s due to the rapid development of
ICTs, leading into a whole new generation of
warfare. The military must adapt or fail.
Exponential increases in the availability of
information are leading to an era of cheap
information available to anyone, anywhere and the
emergence of Network Centric Operations. This will
vastly change the nature of the battlespaces and the
nature of war itself. This whole procedure goes
under the name of Force Transformation and has as
an utter goal the Dominance over the Full Spectrum
of Operations. So, the question to ponder is Can
Transformation be managed and if yes, how?
over the practice of War, the procedures that create
the circumstances which lead to its employment, and
the questioning of its inevitability in the
contemporary world. Traditional warfighting has
changed in the 1990s due to the rapid development of
ICTs, leading into a whole new generation of
warfare. The military must adapt or fail.
Exponential increases in the availability of
information are leading to an era of cheap
information available to anyone, anywhere and the
emergence of Network Centric Operations. This will
vastly change the nature of the battlespaces and the
nature of war itself. This whole procedure goes
under the name of Force Transformation and has as
an utter goal the Dominance over the Full Spectrum
of Operations. So, the question to ponder is Can
Transformation be managed and if yes, how?