The series of recent financial crises have thrown open the world of quantitative finance and financial modeling. This book brings together proven and new methodologies from finance, physics and engineering, along with years of industry and academic experience to provide a cookbook of models for dealing with the challenges of today's markets.
'Bâle III identifies Valuation and Risk models as key features to be measured and followed. Recently, with the wide spread mission of the Asset Quality Review (AQR) regulators reinforced best practices in this field proposing concrete solutions. This book offers a step by step introduction to the usage of models in practice and assesses the fair valuation as well as the model risk measurement. It is done with pedagogy and helps the reader fine tune the choice of model following an incremental implementation methodology for many practical situations'.
- Jean-Marc Prevost, Global Head of Model Validation, Natixis.
'This is the only book I know of written by both a true practitioner of quantitative finance and a true scientist. For more than 15 years, Adil Reghai has constantly delivered models and products in production and for different market regimes. This book shares this learning experience on the usage of models and how to build them and make them evolve over time and market regimes. This book shows that in mathematical finance both historical data (past looking approach) and market prices (forward looking approach) must be combined to design an effective modelling approach. Finally, I recommend this book as it is full of tricks, graphs and well chosen examples that help develop easy learning by intuition'.
- Nicolas Grandchamp Des Raux, Head of Equity Derivatives Research, HSBC.
- Jean-Marc Prevost, Global Head of Model Validation, Natixis.
'This is the only book I know of written by both a true practitioner of quantitative finance and a true scientist. For more than 15 years, Adil Reghai has constantly delivered models and products in production and for different market regimes. This book shares this learning experience on the usage of models and how to build them and make them evolve over time and market regimes. This book shows that in mathematical finance both historical data (past looking approach) and market prices (forward looking approach) must be combined to design an effective modelling approach. Finally, I recommend this book as it is full of tricks, graphs and well chosen examples that help develop easy learning by intuition'.
- Nicolas Grandchamp Des Raux, Head of Equity Derivatives Research, HSBC.