A.S. Ilyinski is a Professor in the Department of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics and is Head of the Computational Electrodynamics Laboratory at Moscow State University. He obtained the Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences degree in 1974. His research interests lie in the mathematical modelling of electromagnetic wave scattering, irregular waveguides, microstrip theory, antennas and antenna arrays.
* Chapter 1: Introduction
* Chapter 2: Surface-impedance technique for the study of dissipation
processes in bodies with finite conductivity
* Chapter 3: Normal modes in waveguides with losses
* Chapter 4: Normal oscillations in resonators with losses
* Chapter 5: Electromagnetic-wave diffraction by finitely conducting
comb-shaped structures
* Chapter 6: Dissipation in comb-shaped structures in inhomogeneous and
anisotropic media
* Chapter 7: Eigenmodes in corrugated waveguides and resonators with
finitely conducting walls
* Appendix 1: Shooting method and its modifications
* Appendix 2: Expressions for current-density distributions in a
microstrip line with a strip of finite thickness
* Appendix 3: General formulae for the coefficients α(i)nm, β(i)nm,
γ(i)nm, δ(i)nm