Over the last three decades the plant reproductive material (PRM) industry has been transformed into a powerful market, where the most advanced science and technology have been applied in research and development. Such a development has pushed the boundaries of legal concepts, rendering remarkable decisions, changing the approach towards the patentability of plant-related innovations. Looking at this scenario, this book shows the evaluation of the technological development of PRM, the global demands for agricultural commodities, the role of plant-related innovation, as well as the interests at stake. In addressing this context, it highlights the evolving jurisprudence and the international legal framework, their interfaces and conflicts. These analyses provide a comprehensive overview of the international intellectual property rights for plant-related innovations, its applicability, trends and future patterns. This book is a very useful source of research or review for students and professionals in the field of intellectual property rights. Indeed, it is also a valuable source of knowledge for plant breeders, plant geneticists and farmers.