"He Was A Survivor," is a historical and human drama of the first order centered around the ethos of an ordinary person, Robert Crew. Due to the fact that he was at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941; Crew is propelled out-of-a basic existence and onto the forefront of a national veterans organization; The Pearl Harbor Survivors. Crew who physically survived the attack on Pearl Harbor and the Second World War, like so many veterans; in a mental - in a spiritual - sense he does not. The shadows of the war come up from the past and overtake him. "He Was A Survivor," adheres to the strict no-nonsense historical line. Little known aspects of the United States Navy of the nineteen twenties and thirties are incorporated into the story. Obscure realities about what took place prior to and during the attack appear here for the first time. Most of the individuals who have made this story possible have passed away and many of the geographic areas no longer exist. It took more than a quarter century to research and formulate this story. Hence it would be impossible to write, "He Was A Survivor," today.
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