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Broschiertes Buch
The Motivations of Political Actors in the Absence of Institutional Safeguards
8. August 2016
LAP Lambert Academic Publishing

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Subjektive und objektive Messungen der sozialen Position und Assoziationen mit psychosozialen Faktoren, Emotionen und Gesundheit
11. Februar 2021
Verlag Unser Wissen

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Subjective and objective measures of social position and associations with psychosocial factors, emotions, and health
1. April 2010
LAP Lambert Academic Publishing

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Sub#ektiwnye i ob#ektiwnye izmereniq social'nogo polozheniq i associacij s psihosocial'nymi faktorami, ämociqmi i zdorow'em
11. Februar 2021
Sciencia Scripts

Broschiertes Buch
Medidas subjetivas y objetivas de posición social y asociaciones con factores psicosociales, emociones y salud.
11. Februar 2021
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Subjectieve en objectieve metingen van sociale positie en associaties met psychosociale factoren, emoties en gezondheid
11. Februar 2021
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Subiektywne i obiektywne pomiary pozycji spo¿ecznej i skojarzenia z czynnikami psychospo¿ecznymi, emocjami i zdrowiem
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Mesures subjectives et objectives de la position sociale et des associations avec les facteurs psychosociaux, les émotions et la santé
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Medidas subjetivas e objetivas de posição social e associações com fatores psicossociais, emoções e saúde
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Misure soggettive e oggettive della posizione sociale e delle associazioni con fattori psicosociali, emozioni e salute
11. Februar 2021
Edizioni Sapienza
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