Discover the Extraordinary in Ordinary Lives!! The power of this short story collection, A Blue Moon and Other Murmurs of the Heart, lies in Anne Anthony's placement of her characters in ordinary settings -- home, school, work, church, synagogue -- and leading her reader to unexpected endings which echo long past the story's final line. She balances everyday circumstances with slice-of-life narratives to reveal extraordinary moments. The title story, A Blue Moon, both magical and haunting, mesmerizes with its beautiful and elegant prose. Humor bumps up against the tragic in her stories, Much Better, Blind Date, I Bought Bernie's Sofa, and Cooper, while offering a glimpse into the hearts of those thrust into familiar situations but who experience unexpected outcomes. In her short story, Tulip Tree, Anne Anthony combines all the classic elements of a ghost story with a rare ability to draw readers into believing the unbelievable. As someone familiar with the Dorthea Dix property in North Carolina, I'm delighted by how deftly she conveys its history without weighing down her readers and keeping their interest. It's truly a great story. Val McEwen, editor, The Dead Mule School for Southern Literature Transported back to simpler days, her stories resonate with childlike wonder and heartfelt disappointment. Type a Little Faster, a tender story about a small-town girl with a big dream, and Every Star has a Story, are both coming-of-age tales addressing youthful desires, identity, and acceptance. In Gabriella, a church-going woman rediscovers her humanity when faced with the fallout of inhumane acts. In all of her stories, Anne Anthony, with grace and skill, gently reminds us to keep reaching from the heart.
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