The United States currently has unprecedented power. How the United States harnesses that power will have a profound and enduring effect on the next generation of Americans and the world. Lee Hamilton explains how the U.S. can lead as a benign power.Americans must ask themselves what they want to do with this power. How will the U.S. protect itself? How will we protect our friends and allies? What is the future of international cooperation, security, and economic globalization? How does the U.S. want to be perceived in the world, and how will that perception help or hinder our ability to get things done?To this day, American Jews remain largely oblivious to the sea change in the status of the Jewish community in the last half-century. Much of the world views American Jewry as a focused bloc of influential, determined believers, firmly entrenched in the American power structure. The average American Jew views his or her community as a scattered congregation of six million-odd individuals of similar origins and diverse beliefs, fortunate children and grandchildren of immigrant tailors and peddlers.