This book gives eGovernment systems custodians guidelines on how to design an integration portal for government organizations in a semi-automated and secure way. The book presents a new approach that pursue main challenges to these systems and provides a complete solution to help overcoming these challenges. The solution takes the shape of a layered framework where each layer is counted as a prerequisite for the next one. Access to different resources that are offered by these systems should be controlled in a secure and efficient manner. The solution gives a customized type of access control that can comply with the access requirements to these resources. Another challenge that the solution tries to domesticate is automating service level agreements that are designed with each web service. The book focuses on giving a solution that can help accelerating the agreement and negotiation processes between the provider and the consumer of the web service. In general, the solution provided by this book can help eGovernment initiatives to move faster towards smart government systems where these systems should work in a coherent and reliable way to provide smart responses to its users.