Interest-free finance is a huge financial industry operating on a global scale and involving different types of organizations in various markets. Interest-free finance refers to a broad domain, from interest-free banking to financing activities performed and operated by Muslims. Proper measurement of the customer tendencies towards the methods of the interest-free financing will offer insights into the development of this industry. Scholars, aware of the need, have performed studies on the customer behaviors relevant to the activities of the interest-free finance. This study seeks to offer such a measurement by relying on the planned behavior theory (PBT), developed by Ajzen (1991) within the discipline of psychology, as an extended version of the reasoned action theory (RAT), also by the same author with Fishbein. It can be said that the work is original due to a special reference to PBT in the sample of Turkey, even though it is similar to interest-free finance studies made with PBT.