The purpose of this research was to determine and study the factors that influence international students decisions in choosing a Higher Education Institution (HEI). On the whole, the study contributes to the understanding of the factors that pull students to HEIs. Based on the findings, the primary aim of the research was to suggest changes to the current recruitment and marketing policies and practices of a certain HEI, in order to increase its international students' population. The book's extensive literature review on students choice and decision-making in higher education, on current trends in the international educational scene, as well as on the higher education marketing, will be of valuable assistance to all HEI recruiters. Moreover, the research findings will equip university admissions staff, as well as policy-makers with the essential knowledge and insight to develop and employ more effective student recruitment and marketing practices. The practical and straightforward recommendations will undoubtedly help recruiters and marketers in recruitment and marketing practices, accommodating among other things, the students views on a number of important issues.