What is eyeTracker? EyeTracker is GPS/GSM based tracking device installed in vehicles, in which the user is free to know the position of vehicle by requesting it .the vehicle automatically replies to the user by an SMS containing the position which can be viewed on a map. Such as Google Maps on his mobile phone.eyeTracker is also equipped with a Camera and a Sensor installed in the vehicle to provide more security and showing who is in the vehicle when the user requests that. In case of being stolen it sends an E-mail to the user containing Pictures of who is inside and also the position of vehicle at the moment. Theory behind the project: Over the last few months the crime of automobiles theft has increased, so we came up with an idea to reduce the number of vehicles being stolen and overcome this phenomenon. What is next? eyeTracker can be upgraded to integrate with the control system of a vehicle, so it allows the owner to open/lock doors or windows and start engine and monitoring the vehicle's speed.