After 10 years at sea, Alan Bole qualified as Extra Master Mariner. In 1965, he was appointed Lecturer in Charge of the Radar School at the Liverpool Regional College of Technology. In 1973, Alan was appointed Principal Lecturer in Radar Simulation at the now Liverpool Polytechnic, and in 1979 he was elected a Fellow of the Royal Institute of Navigation and a Fellow of the Nautical Institute. Since his retirement in 1988, Alan has been focussing on consultancies pertaining to Radar, Navigation and Simulation Worldwide. He also supervises degrees to PhD level through Liverpool John Moore's University. He is a Royal Yachting Association Yachtmaster and Examiner to all levels including 'Ocean', and a Co-author of a number of nautical books and publications.
Basic radar principles
The radar system - operational principles
Target detection
Automatic radar plotting aids (ARPA)
ARPA - additional facilities
The radar system - operational controls
Radar plotting
Navigation techniques using radar and ARPA
ARPA - accuracy and errors
Integrated Bridge Systems
IMO requirements for Masters and Yacht radar usage.