Suchergebnisse für ""Alexander S. Murray""

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A manual of marks on pottery and porcelain; a dictionary of easy reference
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W. H. Hooper
W. C. Phillips
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Broschiertes Buch
3. Juli 2020
Alpha Editions

The speed and power of ships; a manual of marine propulsion; Vol. I. Text, Vol. II. Tables and Plates
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D. W. Taylor
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Gebundenes Buch
19. Oktober 2020
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Tables and formulas for the use of U.S. surveyors and engineers on public land surveys, a supplement to the Manual of surveying instructions
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The syntax and idioms of Hindustani; a manual of the language consisting of progressive exercises in grammar, reading, and translation, with notes and directions and vocabularies
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Myths of the Norsemen from the Eddas and Sagas
43,99 €
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H. A. Guerber
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Gebundenes Buch
14. September 2020
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A manual of sorrento and inlaid work for amateurs, with original designs
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Arthur Hope
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The German classics from the fourth to the nineteenth century; with biographical notices, translations into modern German, and notes (Volume I)
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F. Max Müller
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Laboratory manual of physical chemistry
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Albert W. Davison
Henry S. van Klooster
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Gebundenes Buch
14. September 2020
Alpha Editions

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