The Vitruvian Time follows the obscure story that led to the creation of the universe. It delves into the Realm of the Divine, where the incarnation of abstract concepts ambiguously comes alive.Based on a true imagination, Time will take you in this speculative historical sci-fi noir on a journey of discovering meaning, answering each question by creating another quest.Escorting you back to the origin of your design, the brilliantly ciphered reflections of each chapter will leave you doubting your own existence in Time and Space, only to take you by the heart into finding it again.The ambivalent poetic dystopian-utopian hybrid of this epic, symbolic, dreamy, nightmarish creation will leave you with one final answer: "Life is trivial when it ends without knowing why it began."Are you ready for the Bigger Bang scenario?Time promises you a new beginning only if you reach the end.