Gender Based Violence (GBV) is not only a violation of women's fundamental human rights but also poses a huge challenge to countries committed to achieving the Millennium Development Goals by 2015 as well as targets set in the national plans of action. We undertook this baseline study because we value generation of empirical evidence as a basis for developing proactive strategies for meeting the needs of communities and addressing GBV. Through this research, we sought to understand the GBV situation in Kibera by checking community awareness of GBV and the Sexual Offenses Act; establishing the extent of GBV; understanding the causes and pre-disposing factors; identifying the existing interventions by the community and other actors; and establish the gaps and challenges slowing the efforts to eliminate GBV and how to address them. We hope that the findings of this research will be beneficial to organizations and development partners and will form a base for best practices that would aid in mitigation of GBV. Let us move away from gender violence on women and open avenues for empowerment.