This monograph is devoted to the English gratitude expressions use by Kazakhstani EFT students based on the cross-cultural communication approach and from psycholinguistics and pragmatics' view as well. The results of the research will contribute to BA/MA and PhD Foreign Philology and Foreign Languages Theory and Practice students' knowledge about the features of appreciation expressions in the English language. The research investigates and summarizes the well-known scientists' works as M.Eisenstein, E.Ochs,J.Bodman and others. The second part of this monograph describes the developed thematic classification of gratitude expressions based on the Language Theories and above-mentioned scientists and linguists' works. Also, comprehension enhancing activities and gratitude expressions usage were developed. This classification and complex of activities could be used as the additional practical materials by English teachers and students in the Universities on English Lexicology, Stylistics, and Discourse Study courses and in ELT/EFL classes as well. The results of monograph is discussed on the 5th Conference on Creative Education(CCE 2015)held in Beijing,China on May 22-24,2015.