Violence, abuse and exploitation of children are global problems occurring at every setting challenging the normal growth of children worldwide and hampering the enjoyment of their childhood. Children throughout the globe face one or the other forms of violence and exploitation resulting in a vicious circle of vulnerability. The same is true to children in Ethiopia.Violence and exploitation of children is pervasive and a daily phenomena facing the majority of children at every setting in the country. Curbing this prevalent form of violence against children requires the contribution and participation of all stakeholders concerned with the issue of child rights. In this regard it is widely recognized that the contribution and role of NGOs in addressing the problem of violence against children is invaluable making them an important stakeholders and participants in the combat against abuse and exploitation of children. For this to happen, it requires the existence of enabling legal and institutional framework. However, the current legal and institutional environment of the country is criticized as limiting the role and contribution of NGOs towards child abuse and exploitation.