Suchergebnisse für ""B. A. Kolchin""

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A Study of Palaeolithic Artefacts from Selected Sites on Deposits Mapped as Clay-with-Flints of Southern England
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Vicky Winton
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With particular reference to handaxe manufacture
15. April 2004
British Archaeological Reports Oxford Ltd

A Study of Lower Palaeolithic Stone Artefacts from Selected Sites in the Upper and Middle Thames Valley
108,99 €
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Hyeong Woo Lee
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Broschiertes Buch
8. Februar 2001
British Archaeological Reports Oxford Ltd

Behind Wooden Walls - Neolithic Palisaded Enclosures in Europe
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15. März 2002
British Archaeological Reports Oxford Ltd

Catalogue of Palaeolithic Artefacts from Egypt in the Pitt Rivers Museum
109,99 €
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Sarah Milliken
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Broschiertes Buch
1. Oktober 2003
British Archaeological Reports Oxford Ltd

Iron Age Artefacts in Wales
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Caroline Martin
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An investigation into the material culture of south-east Wales during the Pre-Roman Iron Age
31. Dezember 2003
British Archaeological Reports Oxford Ltd

Socioeconomic Networks and the Rise of Maya Civilization
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Sherman W. Horn III
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The web of complexity at Middle Preclassic Cahal Pech, Belize
30. Oktober 2020
British Archaeological Reports Oxford Ltd

Ancient and Modern Bone Artefacts from America to Russia
145,99 €
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Cultural, technological and functional signature
15. August 2010
British Archaeological Reports Oxford Ltd

Wooden Mosques of the Samsun Region, Turkey
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E. Emine Naza-Dönmez
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from the Past to the Present in the Light of Surveys Carried Out in the Years 2001-2003
15. August 2008
British Archaeological Reports Oxford Ltd

Contextualizing the Muslim Other in Medieval Christian Discourse
123,99 €
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J. Frakes
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Broschiertes Buch
2011 edition
27. Oktober 2011
Palgrave MacMillan Us / Palgrave Macmillan US

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