This plan was designed to Jump Start you into action, so that you can regain control of your out-of-pocket cash flow, structure the charges and payments you make to your credit cards, and get out from under that terrific debt burden. I certainly hope you follow the plan closely, so that it can do just that. But once you get into the swing of it and monitor your steady progress each month, I'm sure that you will devise ways to get it going even faster! You'll notice that I didn't bug you about drastically cutting down your overall spending. I realize that you might not have been ready to make the sacrifice. But any cutting back you do in your overall spending will certainly be for your own benefit now and in the future. Again, the choice is always yours. As I stated earlier, the other authors were certainly on to something! So at some point, perhaps when my Jump Start Plan has helped you to feel like you've gotten your head above water, you may want to look closer and explore many of the great ideas they have. Wishing you all the very best of luck! Your friend, Bob Donnelly
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