In African countries, like Ethiopia, where the rate of literacy is very low, and the written word is deficient to wave public opinion, the role of folk literature is mammoth. Contrary to this fact, folk literature in Ethiopia is overwhelmed by western culture and many such heritages are on the verge of oblivion. Bearing this in mind, this research work investigates the social function of Shänä a folk poetry, which is one form of folk literature in the Amharic language speaking society. Along with, through contextual and functional analysis this research endeavor illustrates the major themes and functions of this particular form of folk poetry and how people reflect their socio-economic, political, religious and psychological attitudes, philosophies, aspirations, beliefs and the like. On top of this, it contributes invaluable information to policy makers in the area of culture and tourism. Besides, it can also be taken as a valuable addition to the arena of research in folklore and folk literature.