A novel inspired by an ancient Chinese tale, Princess Pearl tells the story of a half-human, half-fish fairy princess of the watery kingdom of Emerald Mirrors, a lake in Southern China. Pearl lives in a world where tradition holds that girls are supposed to be docile and subdued, but this is not the life Pearl wants. Refusing to be held back by these rules and customs, the princess vows to do the unthinkable: to be the first girl to jump over the mighty Dragon Arch in the roaring Yellow River and become a dragon! Jumping the arch has been the ultimate goal of the toughest male in the Aqua world, but Pearl is determined to win this most fierce and feared competition by vying head to head with all the boys. Right before the fateful jump, another unthinkable happens. Pearl falls in love with a human boy, and then she slowly uncovers the truth about the biggest secrets in her royal family.
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