Melon (Cucumis melo L.) is an important horticultural crop across wide areas of the world including tropical and sub-tropical regions. However, melon production has also been increasingly faced with virus or virus-like diseases showing mosaic and others symptoms. The use of genetic resistance against the virus has the possibility to be an effective control strategy, but no resistant cultivar is commercially available. This book explains clearly the incidence of cucurbit viruses in Indonesia; biological and molecular characterization of melon infecting Kyuri green mottle mosaic virus, which was newly discovered in this study, in Indonesia; screening of resistant melon cultivars against cucurbit viruses; determining the inheritance of resistance to cucurbit viruses in melon; identifying and developing molecular markers linked to virus resistance in melon; studying the linkage analysis and mapping of SCAR markers linked to Creb-2 in melon; characterizing resistance gene analogs in melon.