What is the meaning of the obscure term Übermensch (Overhuman)? What are the limits of the human and indeed, what do we define as such? What do we overcome when we overcome the human and where do we find ourselves after the overcoming? Is the Overhuman a kind of Hollywood-kind superman or perhaps our revenge against a life that we never dared to live? A type of God for a godless postmodernity? These and other questions this book will try to address. Above all, the book proves that the thinking concerning overhumanity is situated at the very heart of Nietzsche's oeuvre and animates the rest of his thoughts and meditations. Finally, this book contributes to a post-theologizing philosophy (equally post-Plato and post-Christian) which alligns itself to life and its infinite possibilities, instead of death and the ascetic ethics of much of the West's philosophical tradition (itself a remnant of eastern religiosity).